'She Was A Full Body Speaker' digitsed 16mm film and video (still), 2016

'She Was A Full Body Speaker' digitsed 16mm film and video (still), 2016

'A person of indeterminate gender moves freely across the room', drawing, 2016

'A person of indeterminate gender moves freely across the room', drawing, 2016

'A Score, A Groove, A Phantom, A Congregation' exhibition at De Appel, Amsterdam, Photograph by Jimena Gauna

'A Score, A Groove, A Phantom, A Congregation' exhibition at De Appel, Amsterdam, Photograph by Jimena Gauna

'She Was A Full Body Speaker' digitsed 16mm film and video (still), 2016

'She Was A Full Body Speaker' digitsed 16mm film and video (still), 2016

'A person of indeterminate gender moves freely across the room', drawing, 2016

'A person of indeterminate gender moves freely across the room', drawing, 2016

'A Score, A Groove, A Phantom, A Congregation' exhibition at De Appel, Amsterdam, Photograph by Jimena Gauna

'A Score, A Groove, A Phantom, A Congregation' exhibition at De Appel, Amsterdam, Photograph by Jimena Gauna

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    'She Was A Full Body Speaker' digitsed 16mm film and video (still), 2016

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    'A person of indeterminate gender moves freely across the room', drawing, 2016

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    'A Score, A Groove, A Phantom, A Congregation' exhibition at De Appel, Amsterdam, Photograph by Jimena Gauna

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Evan Ifekoya ©